
This blog is a record of my efforts to broaden the repertoire I teach in my music theory classes beyond traditional “classical” music. I’m hoping other teachers that share my goals may find it useful, as a source of ideas and perhaps as a source of enrichment readings for their classes. I also hope it’s interesting to a broader music-educated public, though I do use some jargon.

I’ll tag posts so they’re easily accessed by teachers and others: if there’s a type of music theory class to which they seem especially relevant (“20th century,” “chromatic harmony,” “form,” etc.), I’ll use that, in addition to any keywords that seem appropriate (“secondary dominants,” “The Beatles,” etc.). Also, certain posts will dig somewhat deeply into a single piece, or maybe two; I’ll label these “analysis.”

At this point in my career, this blog is entirely a project for my own satisfaction, not self-promotion, and as a result I’ve tried not to foreground my identity. But all content except where otherwise noted is my responsibility, so in case it’s useful in citing your sources or for other purposes, this is me.

Finally, the blog is currently (September 2020) in indefinite hiatus due to the demands of life. I do hope to come back to it someday, but no guarantees.

Enjoy, and by all means please comment to add ideas or correct me when necessary!

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